- FWF will use official records to determine athlete ranking in the State of Florida (according to webpoint)
- Team Florida Elite will have 3 national team rosters per year: Youth National Team, Junior National Team, and National Championship Team
- Top 16 overall youth/junior/senior/masters men and women are considered across all weight categories according to upcoming national event
- Top 8 men and top 8 women will receive formal invitations from the FWF Board of Directors to participate as part of Team Florida Elite Youth/Junior/National Championship team.
- Once an athlete accepts the FWF’s invitation, they must change their official club affiliation in Webpoint to Team Florida Elite no less than thirty (30) days before the upcoming national event.
- Should an athlete decline, the FWF will move down top rankings list in sequential order and distribute formal invitations until team rosters are filled.
- From previous national event to end of qualifying for the next national event
- Previous national event total does not count toward next event period
- Requirements and qualifying totals reset after each event
- FL State Championships (or any international event +/- 6 weeks)
- All National Events (AO Series Included)
- All International Events
- Any event deemed by the FWF Board of Directors as a qualifying meet
Athletes must adhere to the following requirements:
- Athlete must attend team photo to be scheduled by FWF Team Lead
- Athlete must wear Team Florida Elite shirt during announcements
- Athlete must compete in Team Florida Elite singlet
- Athlete must make designated weight
- Athlete must be in good standing with FWF and USA Weightlifting
Failure to meet any or all of these requirements will result in:
- Non-payment, reimbursement, and/or collection of funds included in athlete’s stipend amount
- Ineligibility for future team selections
- Requirements effective for teams selected after JANUARY 1, 2018
Athletes who accept Team Florida Elite’s invitation will receive:
- Team Florida Elite Nike Competition Singlet
- Team Florida Elite Apparel
- Stipend to contribute to competition expenses
- Recognition to athlete, coach(es), and club of record on team rosters and FWF social media outlets